Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association - PHCC
Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association - PHCC

180 S. Washington Street
P.O. Box 6808
Falls Church, VA 22046
Phone: (703) 237-8100
(800) 533-7694
Fax: (703) 237-7442

Who We Are and Who We Serve

The PHCC—National Association is the oldest trade association in the construction industry—and the premiere organization for the p-h-c professional.

Since 1883, PHCC has been the leader in promotion, advancement, education and training. Today PHCC has more than 4100 contractor members from open and union shops, who work in the residential, commercial, new construction, industrial and service and repair industry segments.

PHCC’s notable achievements include:

Establishing a framework for the industry’s first apprenticeship system

Championing the cause of safe, adequate sanitation to state legislatures

Encouraging the invention of better plumbing appliances and fixtures

Spearheading education programs to keep pace with technological change

PHCC’s unique package of exclusive member benefits include:

Management education and technical training

Apprenticeship and journeyman training

Scholarships and career promotional materials

Business-building networking opportunities

Pro-active legislative and regulatory initiatives

Print and online periodicals

Local, regional and national meetings and events

PHCC-branded customized marketing resources

Unlimited free telephone technical support

Up to 50% savings on a variety of contractor business services

“Members-Only” discounts—up to 50%—on all PHCC products, programs and services
Copyright © 2006 Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors-National Association
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