Spann's Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
Spann's Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc.
16051 NW, 30th Avenue
Trenton, Florida 32693
Tel: (352) 463-6440
Hello, let me introduce myself:
We at Spann’s would like to just take this time to come into your homes and say, THANK YOU to all of our customers, future and old alike. Thanks for all you do. We hope to live up to your expectations, and if we haven’t, please feel free to call and let us know or come by our office. The following information I hope will help you to get to know us.
Spann's has been in business since June and Jack Spann Sr. moved home in 1975. The Spann's moved here from St. Pete area and started small. The company has grown over the years with Jack Jr. taking over in 1995 after his dad retired. The company has continued to grow with all the support the communities have showed. We serve the tri-county areas, Levy, Dixie and Gilchrist Counties. Our company has 8 employees.
Denver Nazelrod has been with us for 51/2 years and has 11 years total experience. He is married and lives in Chiefland. He loves to do ductwork and install new units.
Luis Alfonso has been with us for 41/2 years and has 11 years experience. He lives in Bronson and speaks Spanish very well. He is married and has 2 children and keeps foster children. He does service work and new installs.
Jonathan Spann is 17 years old and has been helping his dad for 4 years. He loves doing ductwork and new construction. He is a very hands on guy.
Tristan Spann is also 17 years old and has been helping his dad for 4 years. Tristan also graduates this year with high grades and wants to become a draft and architectural engineer. He loves doing house plans and working this business.
Jonathan and Tristan are twin brothers. Tristan loves doing Manuel D and J, and energy forms for new construction.
Sean Morris is the new guy on the block. He has only been with us for 3 months. He lives in Old Town. He and his wife have two daughters. Sean is going to be our service tech. He is very good with the public and will answer all questions.
Jack Spann has helped his father in business since 1975 off and on. He went into business in 1995 by himself. He is married to Prentice Watson Spann, and they have 2 sons. He loves all aspects of the business and works hard to serve his customers. His customers are very important to him.
Prentice Spann has been here for 7 years and had her own business for 14 years. She is use to running a business. She is married to Jack and they live in Trenton. She has learned a lot over the years on a/c systems and can answer most of your questions. She will greet you on the phone and schedule your appointments, answer questions or give prices.
Spann's would like at this time to talk to you about air quality systems, they have come along way in recent years. With all these changes we at Spann's have chosen companies that can meet our customers needs. We use Comfortmaker quality units. These systems have great warranties, energy efficient ratings and filter systems to match any life style. Extended warranties and financial programs are available. 2006 will bring many changes to the industry, please feel free to call with all questions about the changes you will be hearing about in the next year. Brochures on the new regulations coming in January. This will help on electric bills. A brochure on ultra-violet lights for all systems is available, this is for all allergies and sinus problem. Please fell free to call us about any questions you have on new products or new systems.
Thank you-
Prentice Spann
