Troubleshooting a Gas Furnace
Troubleshooting a Gas Furnace
Use these suggestions for diagnosing problems with your gas furnace.
No Heat
Causes: Thermostat too low; switch, fuse, or circuit breaker open; gas shut off; pilot out.
Solutions: Check thermostat, switch, and fuse or breaker. Relight pilot.
Cycles Too Often
Causes: Usually a clogged filter or a blower problem.
Solutions: Replace filter. Oil and adjust blower.
Not Enough Heat
Causes: Again, a clogged filter; burners may need cleaning.
Solutions: Replace filter. Have burners cleaned by a professional.
Blower Runs Constantly
Causes: Fan switch set for continuous circulation; limit control out of adjustment.
Solutions: Reset fan switch on furnace or have limit control adjusted.
Furnace Squeals or Rumbles
Causes: Squealing: blower belt slipping or bearings need lubrication. Rumbling with burners off: misadjusted pilot. Rumbling with burners on: dirty burners.
Solutions: Oil blower and adjust belt. Have pilot adjusted. Have burners cleaned by a professional.
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