West Coast Air Conditioning & Heating
West Coast Air Conditioning & Heating
5347 Gulf Drive #4
Holmes Beach, FL
Past and current customers are secure in knowing that everything West Coast does on their units is kept on record in the computer system. That is a bonus for part-time residents. Mike has a list of advice to those residents who leave their property for long periods of time. It includes turning off the water to the washer, unplugging the water heater and other things to help prevent disaster while the home is vacant. There is one peice of advice he considers paramount. "Make sure there is somebody here who can check on the house at least once a week," he said. "That prevents a small water leak or some other annoyance from becoming an expensive problem."
West Coast Refrigeration has been around a long time. It is a successful mixture of keeping up with the times while retaining the Island friendliness that makes it a pleasure to do business. Mike and Mary know that above all, there is one thing they have to take care of. "The customer," he said. "This is a service industry and if you don't take care of the customer, you don't stay in business."
West Coast Air Conditioning & Heating © 2005-2008. All rights reserved
